
package robomaster_description

This package provides the URDF model of Robomaster robots. Hardware parts are modelled in separated xacro files, which are then assembled in the EP Core and S1 configurations. The models have realistic visual and physical (i.e, inertia and collision shapes) details and can be used for state estimation, simulation, and visualization.



model arm.urdf.xacro

The robot arm

model base.urdf.xacro

The four-wheeled chassis

model camera.urdf.xacro

The camera

model extension.urdf.xacro

The metallic chassis extension to mount parts

model gimbal.urdf.xacro

The gimbal and blaster

model gripper.urdf.xacro

The gripper

model intelligent_controller.urdf.xacro

The intelligent controller

model led.urdf.xacro

One chassis LED (a submodel of base.urdf.xacro)

model tof.urdf.xacro

The Time-of-flight distance sensor

model wheels.urdf.xacro

One wheel (a submodel of base.urdf.xacro)


model robomaster_ep.urdf.xacro

The assembled Robomaster EP Core with arm, gripper, and metallic extension. The intelligent controller is mounted in the extension. The camera in mounted on the arm.

model robomaster_s1.urdf.xacro

The assembled Robomaster S1 with gimbal and blaster. The intelligent controller and the camera are mounted on the gimbal.

Launch files

launch file

Evaluate the xacro model and passes it to robot_state_publisher.

  • name – Name of the robot used as a tf prefix [Default: ""]

  • model – The type of robot: ep or s1 [Default: ep]

  • camera_yaw – The camera orientation with respect to the arm [Default: 0.0]

  • tof_0 – Add ToF sensor #0 [Default: False]

  • tof_0_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #0 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_0_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #0 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_0_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #0 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_1 – Add ToF sensor #1 [Default: False]

  • tof_1_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #1 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_1_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #1 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_1_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #1 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_2 – Add ToF sensor #2 [Default: False]

  • tof_2_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #2 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_2_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #2 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_2_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #2 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_3 – Add ToF sensor #3 [Default: False]

  • tof_3_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #3 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_3_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #3 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_3_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #3 [Default: 0 0 0]

launch file main.launch

Import main.launch and launches joint_state_publisher. Use this launch file to launch everything needed for the robot model.

  • joint_state_gui – If true, select the GUI version of join_state_publisher [Default: false]

  • joint_state_rate – The rate to publish joint_states [Default: 10.0]

  • name – Name of the robot used as a tf prefix [Default: ""]

  • model – The type of robot: ep or s1 [Default: ep]

  • camera_yaw – The camera orientation with respect to the arm [Default: 0.0]

  • tof_0 – Add ToF sensor #0 [Default: False]

  • tof_0_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #0 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_0_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #0 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_0_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #0 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_1 – Add ToF sensor #1 [Default: False]

  • tof_1_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #1 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_1_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #1 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_1_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #1 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_2 – Add ToF sensor #2 [Default: False]

  • tof_2_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #2 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_2_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #2 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_2_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #2 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_3 – Add ToF sensor #3 [Default: False]

  • tof_3_parent – Parent frame of ToF sensor #3 [Default: base_link]

  • tof_3_xyz – Position of ToF sensor #3 [Default: 0 0 0]

  • tof_3_rpy – Orientation of ToF sensor #3 [Default: 0 0 0]