Robomaster Driver Node
- node RoboMasterROS
This node provides a ROS interface to a Robomaster using the official Python client library.
It wraps functionality from
to create and monitor a connection to a robot, configured by parameters conn_type, serial_number, and reconnect.Summary
Service servers
Action servers
The robot and the client library are modulars: for example, one can attach a ToF sensor
and use class robomaster.sensor.DistanceSensor
to read it.
The ROS node follows the same organization, with submodules that corresponds to hardware parts.
Modules can be enabled using parameters <module>.enabled: by default they are all disabled.
The following parameters configures the client library and the general behavior of the ROS node.
parameter lib_log_level string [Default:
] The logging level used for the internal SDK wrapped by the ROS node (see RoboMaster SDK 如何记录日志).
parameter conn_type string [Default:
] The connection method between client and robot (see RoboMaster SDK 和机器人建立连接), one of:
through a managed Wi-Fi network (SSID and password needs to be communicated to the robot, for instance using connect)
through the robot’s Wi-Fi access point (SSID and password are printed on the intelligent controller)
through a network USB interface (micro USB port on the side of the intelligent controller)
parameter serial_number string [Default:
] If non empty, it is passed to
to select which robot to connect. The serial number is a 14-long code printed on the intelligent controller. If the parameter value is a shorter, it’s end is padded by*
, while if it is longer, it is truncated.Note
Shorter serial numbers are useful for simulated robot.
parameter reconnect bool [Default:
] If enabled, will keep the ROS node on while waiting for a robot to reconnect. In disabled, the node will terminate once the robot disconnects.
parameter tf_prefix string [Default:
] The prefix that gets prepended, if not empty, to any frame related to the robot, e.g.,
You need to pass the same
to the robot model too. Launch file main.launch does it automatically.
The following publishers are shared between modules
- publisher joint_states_p sensor_msgs/msg/JointState
Publishes partial updates about joints: wheels, gimbal, arm, and gripper.
main.launch configures
to group together joint_states_p and republish them onjoin_states
, which is used byrobot_state_publisher
to update the model.
- publisher /tf tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage
This publisher is used indirectly to broadcast the transform odom -> base_link.