ROS-Aseba: examples
To reproduce a multi-robot network (two Thymios with id 14031 and 21181, and two e-pucks with id 1 and 2), launch Aseba Playground
and open the world at ros-aseba/asebaros_examples/launch/simulation/multirobot.playground
<!DOCTYPE aseba-playground>
<author name="Jerome Guzzi" email="jerome at idsia dot ch" />
<description lang="en">A simple multi-robot playground to experiment with asebaros without physical robots.</description>
<color name="wall" r="0.9" g="0.9" b="0.9" />
<world w="100" h="100" color="wall"/>
<robot type="thymio2" x="45" y="15" port="33334" name="Thymio A" nodeId="1" />
<robot type="thymio2" x="45" y="45" port="33335" name="Thymio B" nodeId="1"/>
<robot type="e-puck" x="15" y="15" port="33336" name="E-Puck A" nodeId="1" />
<robot type="e-puck" x="15" y="45" port="33337" name="E-Puck B" nodeId="1" />
Use Aseba Switch to make the robots join the same network at port 33333.
asebaswitch "tcp:host=localhost\;port=33334\;remapLocal=21181\;remapTarget=1" "tcp:host=localhost\;port=33335\;remapLocal=14031\;remapTarget=1" "tcp:host=localhost\;port=33336\;remapLocal=1\;remapTarget=1" "tcp:host=localhost\;port=33337\;remapLocal=2\;remapTarget=1" -p 33333
With this setup DEVICE="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"
To execute any ROS command, you have first to source the ROS setup script
source <WORKSPACE>/install/setup.bash
The examples below works with any other Aseba network, and in particular with real robots too.
In this case, just change the ids and add device:=<DEVICE>
to the ROS launch arguments
(e.g., device:="ser:name=Thymio"
to connect a Thymio).
All nodes
The following launch files configure asebaros
to connect to all nodes at Dashel target device
Each node will receive a ROS namespace "node_{id}"
. No script will be automatically loaded into the nodes.
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<arg name="port" value="44444"/>
<node name="asebaros" pkg="asebaros" type="asebaros" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<rosparam param="targets" subst_value="true">
["$(arg device)",]
<rosparam param="nodes">
accept: true
prefix: node_
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<let name="port" value="44444"/>
<node pkg="asebaros" exec="asebaros" args="--log-level info" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(var port)"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<param name="targets" value="$(var device)" value-sep=","/>
<param name="nodes">
<param name="any">
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="prefix" value="node_"/>
Launch it with
roslaunch asebaros_examples all_nodes.launch
ros2 launch asebaros_examples all_nodes.launch
Inspect the system using services:
Get the list of nodes
rosservice call /aseba/get_nodes asebaros_msgs/GetNodeList '{}'
ros2 service call /aseba/get_nodes asebaros_msgs/GetNodeList '{}'
Get the description of one of the nodes
rosservice call /node_14031/aseba/get_description asebaros_msgs/GetDescription '{}'
ros2 service call /node_14031/aseba/get_description asebaros_msgs/GetDescription '{}'
Get the value of a variable
rosservice call /node_14031/aseba/get_variable asebaros_msgs/GetVariable "{variable: prox.horizontal}"
ros2 service call /node_14031/aseba/get_variable asebaros_msgs/GetVariable "{variable: prox.horizontal}"
Set the value of a variable
rosservice call /node_14031/aseba/set_variable asebaros_msgs/SetVariable "{variable:, data: [100]}"
ros2 service call /node_14031/aseba/set_variable asebaros_msgs/SetVariable "{variable:, data: [100]}"
A single node
The following launch files configure asebaros
to connect to just the first Thymio
(i.e., the first Aseba node with name=="thymio-II"
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<arg name="port" value="44444"/>
<node name="asebaros" pkg="asebaros" type="asebaros" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="false"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<rosparam param="targets" subst_value="true">
["$(arg device)",]
<rosparam param="nodes">
accept: false
name: thymio-II
id_variable: _id
accept: true
include_id_in_events: false
maximal_number: 1
<rosparam param="script" subst_value="true">
path: $(find asebaros_examples)/launch/single_node.aesl
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<let name="port" value="44444"/>
<node pkg="asebaros" exec="asebaros" args="--log-level info" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(var port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="false"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<param name="targets" value="$(var device)" value-sep=","/>
<param name="nodes">
<param name="others">
<param name="accept" value="false"/>
<param name="thymio">
<param name="type" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="_id"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="include_id_in_events" value="false"/>
<param name="maximal_number" value="1"/>
<param name="script">
<param name="path" value="$(find-pkg-share asebaros_examples)/launch/single_node.aesl"/>
<param name="constants">
<param name="MY_CONSTANT" value="3"/>
The node will receive an empty ROS namespace and a script will be automatically loaded into the node.
The script has a single constant MY_CONSTANT
, which the launch file sets to 3
, and two events: ping
and pong
<!DOCTYPE aesl-source> <network> <!--list of global events--> <event size="3" name="ping"/> <event size="3" name="pong"/> <!--list of constants--> <constant value="0" name="MY_CONSTANT"/> <!--show keywords state--> <keywords flag="true"/> <!--node thymio-II--> <node name="thymio-II"> var value[3] = [MY_CONSTANT, MY_CONSTANT, MY_CONSTANT] emit pong value onevent ping value = event.args[0:2] emit pong value </node> </network>
The events are used to make the robot “pong” back the values (an array of length 3) sent with the ping. Launch it with
roslaunch asebaros_examples single_node.launch
ros2 launch asebaros_examples single_node.launch
In a new tab send a ping each second
rostopic pub -r 1 /aseba/events/ping asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [1, 2, 3]}'
ros2 topic pub -r 1 /aseba/events/ping asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [1, 2, 3]}'
and in another one, listen for pongs
rostopic echo /aseba/events/pong
ros2 topic echo /aseba/events/pong
Twin nodes
In this case, we want to connect to all nodes and load the same script.
Each node will receive a namespace "node_{id}"
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<arg name="port" value="44444"/>
<node name="asebaros" pkg="asebaros" type="asebaros" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="true"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<rosparam param="targets" subst_value="true">
["$(arg device)",]
<rosparam param="nodes">
prefix: node_
accept: true
include_id_in_events: true
name: thymio-II
id_variable: _id
name: e-puck0
id_variable: id
<rosparam param="script" subst_value="true">
path: $(find asebaros_examples)/launch/twin_nodes.aesl
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<let name="port" value="44444"/>
<node pkg="asebaros" exec="asebaros" args="--log-level info" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(var port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="true"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<param name="targets" value="$(var device)" value-sep=","/>
<param name="nodes">
<param name="any">
<param name="prefix" value="node_"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="include_id_in_events" value="true"/>
<param name="thymio">
<param name="name" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="_id"/>
<param name="epuck">
<param name="name" value="e-puck0"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="id"/>
<param name="script">
<param name="path" value="$(find-pkg-share asebaros_examples)/launch/twin_nodes.aesl"/>
<param name="constants">
<param name="MY_CONSTANT" value="3"/>
Because the id of the target node is included in the event ping
the script can check if the event is addressed at the current node,
and only in this case “pong” back.
<!DOCTYPE aesl-source>
<!--list of global events-->
<event size="4" name="ping"/>
<event size="3" name="pong"/>
<!--list of constants-->
<constant value="0" name="MY_CONSTANT"/>
<!--show keywords state-->
<keywords flag="true"/>
<!--node thymio-II-->
<node name="thymio-II">
emit pong value
onevent ping
if (event.args[0] == _id) then
value = event.args[1:3]
emit pong value
Launch ROS with
roslaunch asebaros_examples twin_nodes.launch
ros2 launch asebaros_examples twin_nodes.launch
In a new tab send pings each second to a specific robot
rostopic pub -r 1 /node_14031/aseba/events/ping asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [1, 2, 3]}'
ros2 topic pub -r 1 /node_14031/aseba/events/ping asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [1, 2, 3]}'
and in another one, listen for pongs from different robots
ros2 topic echo /node_14031/aseba/events/pong
ros2 topic echo /node_21181/aseba/events/pong
ros2 topic echo /node_14031/aseba/events/pong
ros2 topic echo /node_21181/aseba/events/pong
Two nodes
In this case, we want to connect to two nodes of different types. As the different nodes uses different [incoming] events, we don’t need to include the node id in the event.
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<arg name="port" value="44444"/>
<node name="asebaros" pkg="asebaros" type="asebaros" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="false"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<rosparam param="targets" subst_value="true">
["$(arg device)",]
<rosparam param="nodes">
accept: false
name: thymio-II
id_variable: _id
accept: true
namespace: thymio
include_id_in_events: false
maximal_number: 1
name: e-puck0
id_variable: id
accept: true
namespace: epuck
include_id_in_events: false
maximal_number: 1
<rosparam param="script" subst_value="true">
path: $(find asebaros_examples)/launch/two_nodes.aesl
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<let name="port" value="44444"/>
<node pkg="asebaros" exec="asebaros" args="--log-level info" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(var port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="false"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<param name="targets" value="$(var device)" value-sep=","/>
<param name="nodes">
<param name="thymio">
<param name="name" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="namespace" value="thymio"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="_id"/>
<param name="maximal_number" value="1"/>
<param name="include_id_in_events" value="false"/>
<param name="epuck">
<param name="name" value="e-puck0"/>
<param name="namespace" value="epuck"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="id"/>
<param name="maximal_number" value="1"/>
<param name="include_id_in_events" value="false"/>
<param name="script">
<param name="path" value="$(find-pkg-share asebaros_examples)/launch/two_nodes.aesl"/>
<param name="constants">
<param name="MY_CONSTANT_THYMIO" value="3"/>
<param name="MY_CONSTANT_EPUCK" value="333"/>
<!DOCTYPE aesl-source>
<!--list of global events-->
<event size="3" name="ping_thymio"/>
<event size="3" name="ping_epuck"/>
<event size="3" name="pong"/>
<!--list of constants-->
<constant value="0" name="MY_CONSTANT_THYMIO"/>
<constant value="0" name="MY_CONSTANT_EPUCK"/>
<!--show keywords state-->
<keywords flag="true"/>
<!--node thymio-II-->
<node name="thymio-II">
emit pong value
onevent ping_thymio
value = event.args[0:2]
emit pong value
<!--node e-puck0-->
<node name="e-puck0">
emit pong value
onevent ping_epuck
value = args[0:2]
emit pong value
Launch ROS with
roslaunch asebaros_examples two_nodes.launch
ros2 launch asebaros_examples two_nodes.launch
In a new tab send pings each second to a specific robot
rostopic pub -r 1 /epuck/aseba/events/ping_epuck asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [1, 2, 3]}'
ros2 topic pub -r 1 /epuck/aseba/events/ping_epuck asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [1, 2, 3]}'
and in another one, listen for pongs
rostopic echo /epuck/aseba/events/pong
ros2 topic echo /epuck/aseba/events/pong
A single Thymio
The following launch files configure asebaros to connect to just the first Thymio
(i.e., the first Aseba node with name=="thymio-II"
), and a script will be automatically loaded into the node.
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<arg name="port" value="44444"/>
<node name="asebaros" pkg="asebaros" type="asebaros" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="false"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<rosparam param="targets" subst_value="true">
["$(arg device)",]
<rosparam param="nodes">
accept: false
type: thymio-II
id_variable: _id
accept: true
name: thymio
include_id_in_events: false
maximal_number: 1
<rosparam param="script" subst_value="true">
path: $(find asebaros_examples)/launch/single_thymio.aesl
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<let name="port" value="44444"/>
<node pkg="asebaros" exec="asebaros" args="--log-level info" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(var port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="false"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<param name="targets" value="$(var device)" value-sep=","/>
<param name="nodes">
<param name="thymio">
<param name="type" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="_id"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="name" value="thymio"/>
<param name="include_id_in_events" value="false"/>
<param name="maximal_number" value="1"/>
<param name="others">
<param name="accept" value="false"/>
<param name="script">
<param name="path" value="$(find-pkg-share asebaros_examples)/launch/single_thymio.aesl"/>
<param name="constants">
<param name="OBSTACLE_THRESHOLD" value="2500"/>
This time, the node will receive a ROS namespace thymio
and the script is specific for the Thymio.
<!DOCTYPE aesl-source> <network> <!--list of global events--> <event size="3" name="set_color"/> <event size="0" name="obstacle"/> <!--list of constants--> <constant value="2000" name="OBSTACLE_THRESHOLD"/> <!--show keywords state--> <keywords flag="true"/> <!--node thymio-II--> <node name="thymio-II"> onevent prox if (prox.horizontal[2] > OBSTACLE_THRESHOLD) then call leds.buttons(32, 32, 32, 32) emit obstacle else call leds.buttons(0, 0, 0, 0) end onevent set_color call[0], event.args[1], event.args[2]) </node> </network>
controls the onboard behavior that makes the Thymio turn on the button LED
to signal a close object. The obstacle
event is used to notify ROS of an obstacle while the set_color
is used by ROS to change the Thymio body color.
Launch ROS with
roslaunch asebaros_examples single_thymio.launch
ros2 launch asebaros_examples single_thymio.launch
In a new tab set the body LED of the Thymio to cyan
rostopic pub --once /thymio/aseba/events/set_color asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [0, 32, 32]}'
ros2 topic pub --once /thymio/aseba/events/set_color asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [0, 32, 32]}'
and in another one, listen for obstacles (move around the cyan robot)
rostopic echo /thymio/aseba/events/obstacle
ros2 topic echo /thymio/aseba/events/obstacle
Twin Thymios
We want to connect to any Thymio in the network and load the same script. Each of them will get the namespace "thymio_{id}"
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<arg name="port" value="44444"/>
<node name="asebaros" pkg="asebaros" type="asebaros" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="true"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<rosparam param="targets" subst_value="true">
["$(arg device)",]
<rosparam param="nodes">
accept: false
name: thymio-II
id_variable: _id
accept: true
prefix: thymio_
include_id_in_events: true
<rosparam param="script" subst_value="true">
path: $(find asebaros_examples)/launch/twin_thymios.aesl
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<let name="port" value="44444"/>
<node pkg="asebaros" exec="asebaros" args="--log-level info" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(var port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="true"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<param name="targets" value="$(var device)" value-sep=","/>
<param name="nodes">
<param name="thymio">
<param name="name" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="_id"/>
<param name="prefix" value="thymio_"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="include_id_in_events" value="true"/>
<param name="others">
<param name="accept" value="false"/>
<param name="script">
<param name="path" value="$(find-pkg-share asebaros_examples)/launch/twin_thymios.aesl"/>
<param name="constants">
<param name="OBSTACLE_THRESHOLD" value="2500"/>
Because the paramer include_id_in_events
is set to true
, asebaros
will include the [target] robot id in the event set_color
The script checks that the command targets the current robot, else it ignores it.
<!DOCTYPE aesl-source> <network> <!--list of global events--> <event size="4" name="set_color"/> <event size="0" name="obstacle"/> <!--list of constants--> <constant value="2000" name="OBSTACLE_THRESHOLD"/> <!--show keywords state--> <keywords flag="true"/> <!--node thymio-II--> <node name="thymio-II"> onevent prox if (prox.horizontal[2] > OBSTACLE_THRESHOLD) then call leds.buttons(32, 32, 32, 32) emit obstacle else call leds.buttons(0, 0, 0, 0) end onevent set_color if (event.args[0] == _id) then call[1], event.args[2], event.args[3]) end </node> </network>
Launch ROS with
roslaunch asebaros_examples twin_thymios.launch
ros2 launch asebaros_examples twin_thymios.launch
In a new tab set the body LED of Thymio to cyan and of the other to yellow
rostopic pub --once /thymio_14031/aseba/events/set_color asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [32, 32, 0]}'
rostopic pub --once /thymio_21181/aseba/events/set_color asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [0, 32, 32]}'
ros2 topic pub --once /thymio_14031/aseba/events/set_color asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [0, 32, 32]}'
ros2 topic pub --once /thymio_21181/aseba/events/set_color asebaros_msgs/Event '{data: [32, 32, 0]}'
Two Thymios
In this example, we want connect to two specific Thymio identified by id, assign them to predefined namespaces (Thymio 21181 to "red"
and Thymio 14031 to "green"
), and automatically set their body LED color coherently.
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<arg name="port" value="44444"/>
<node name="asebaros" pkg="asebaros" type="asebaros" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(arg port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="true"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<rosparam param="targets" subst_value="true">
["$(arg device)",]
<rosparam param="nodes">
accept: false
name: thymio-II
id_variable: _id
accept: false
include_id_in_events: false
id: 21181
name: thymio-II
accept: true
namespace: red
id: 14031
name: thymio-II
accept: true
namespace: green
<rosparam param="script" subst_value="true">
path: $(find asebaros_examples)/launch/two_thymios.aesl
<arg name="device" default="tcp:host=localhost;port=33333"/>
<let name="port" value="44444"/>
<node pkg="asebaros" exec="asebaros" args="--log-level info" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="$(var port)"/>
<param name="reload_script_on_reconnect" value="true"/>
<param name="set_id_variable" value="true"/>
<param name="shutdown_on_unconnect" value="false"/>
<param name="highest_acceptable_protocol_version" value="20"/>
<param name="targets" value="$(var device)" value-sep=","/>
<param name="nodes">
<param name="thymio">
<param name="name" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="id_variable" value="_id"/>
<param name="accept" value="false"/>
<param name="include_id_in_events" value="false"/>
<param name="thymio_21181">
<param name="name" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="id" value="21181"/>
<param name="namespace" value="red"/>
<param name="thymio_14031">
<param name="name" value="thymio-II"/>
<param name="accept" value="true"/>
<param name="id" value="14031"/>
<param name="namespace" value="green"/>
<param name="others">
<param name="accept" value="false"/>
<param name="script">
<param name="path" value="$(find-pkg-share asebaros_examples)/launch/two_thymios.aesl"/>
Different code get uploaded to each of them: one will turn red, while the other green.
<!DOCTYPE aesl-source> <network> <!--list of global events--> <!--list of constants--> <!--show keywords state--> <keywords flag="true"/> <!--node thymio-II--> <node nodeId="21181" name="thymio-II"> call, 0, 0) </node> <node nodeId="14031" name="thymio-II"> call, 32, 0) </node> </network>
Launch ROS with
roslaunch asebaros_examples two_thymios.launch
ros2 launch asebaros_examples two_thymios.launch
Check that the correct namespaces are being used
rostopic list
ros2 topic list