Aseba and ROS Networks

The following minimal introduction to the Aseba and ROS Networks makes some simplifications. Please refer to the respective documentations at and for more complete overviews.

Aseba Network


An Aseba node has a unique integer identifier id and a name name that is shared with nodes of the same type, e.g., all Thymio have name "thymio-II".


Aseba nodes exchange messages according to a binary protocol. Messages include the version of the protocol being used.


Aseba nodes keep a list of variables. Each variable as a name and holds an array of 16-bit signed integers as value. Some variable are defined by the node itself (e.g., in the Thymio firmware), other by the script running on the node.


An Aseba node can run an Aseba script. The script is compiled to a byte-code representation before being uploaded to the node. The script defines constants, global events, and variables shared by all nodes running the same script.

Aseba script are stored in XML files that may contain code (<node name=... nodeId=...> tag) for different nodes identified by the attributes name and nodeId.

Global Events

Aseba nodes exchange information by broadcasting global events. Aseba events are defined in Aseba scripts where they are identified by a unique name. Event messages contains the type of event, the id of the sender node, and a array of 16-bit signed integers as payload.

Internally, Aseba tags event messages with an integer type that corresponds to the rank of the event in the script: for the same script the mapping between an event’s type and name is unambiguous.

Aseba nodes implement also internal events (e.g., notifications when proximity sensors get updated), which are only accessible by the same node and therefore cannot be exposed to ROS.

User interaction

Users interact with the Aseba network through specific messages. For instance, they can send messages to start/stop/reset a node, to get the node’s description, or to load a script to a node. They can also query the network to discover all nodes.

Typical workflow

The typical Aseba workflow uses Aseba Studio (an IDE) to connect to one or more robots running Aseba nodes, to get and set variables, and to edit and load Aseba scripts to be execute on board of the robots.

ROS Network


ROS nodes are identifies by unique names. In ROS1 a process contains a unique node while in ROS2 is may contain multiple nodes.


ROS nodes exchange data with other nodes through named topics (i.e., using the pub/sub IPC pattern). They receive message notifications by subscribing to a topic and they send messages by publishing messages on a topic. Messages are typed and topic only transport messages of the same type. ROS topics are similar to Aseba [global] events.


ROS nodes can also use services (client/server IPC pattern) to communicate among them. The client node sends a query which the server node answers. Like topics, services are also typed. Services have similarities with Aseba variables.


Messages and services define the IPC interface of ROS nodes. Good practice is to use common interfaces, e.g., all laser scanner drivers should publish sensor_msgs/Range messages, and all information about an object pose with respect to a reference frame should be encoded as geometry_msgs/PoseStamped. By conforming to common interfaces, nodes are reusable and composable.

Launch files

At run-time, nodes can be launched one by one but the most common practice in ROS is to use ROS launch files to launch a collection of nodes that fulfils a task. For examples, you may use a launch file to launch a camera driver together with the node implementing image filtering. ROS1 only supports XML launch files, while ROS2 supports YAML and Python launch files too.


ROS Packages are self-contained units of code. A ROS installation is a collection of packages. A ROS package add executables (nodes), interfaces, and launch files to a ROS installation.

User interaction

Users interact with the ROS network by creating nodes (possibly short-lived) and using topics or services through them. Nodes can be programmed in several languages, with C++ and Python being the most common and well-supported. For quick interactions, e.g., sending a message on a topic, ROS offers a set of shell commands (separated as rostopic, rosnode, … for ROS1 and grouped together as ros2 topic, ros2 node, … for ROS2).

Typical workflow

The typical ROS workflow involves connecting together ROS nodes (motor drivers, sensor drivers, controllers) using topics and services as pipes, to which the users add application-specific nodes. Tools like rosbag, rviz, and rqt make it easy to manage, debug, visualize, and record the ROS system.