
This module wraps the SDK class to expose audio and video streams captured from the camera. The SDK receives separate streams for encoded video and audio via a dedicated IP socket: audio using OPUS, video using H.264.

We patched the image and audio decoding loops in to publish to ROS:

Each time a decoded image is published, we also publish the related camera information on camera/camera_info.

The camera resolution can be selected (with parameter between: 640 x 360, 960 x 540 and 1280 x 720. Frame rate is 30 fps. Digital zoom can be selected with camera/config.


To avoid streaming or decoding images or sounds when not needed, we expose the parameters camera.{audio|video}.<format> to control the activation of the different topics. They support the following values:

  • -1: topic is not created; this config cannot be changed at runtime,

  • 0: topic is not active, messages are not published,

  • 1: topic is active, messages are published,

  • 2: topic is active on-demand, messages published only when there is at least one subscriber.

When no audio/video topic is active, the audio/video stream from the robot to the ROS driver is stopped. As soon as one topic becomes active, the stream is resumed.

If you don’t need audio or video, it is wise to avoid activating the topics. In particular for raw images, this way you significantly reduce the required network bandwidth and CPU cycles.


parameter camera.enabled bool [Default: false]

Enables all the ROS interface described here, which by default is disabled, like all other modules.

parameter int [Default: 0 (before ROS 2 iron), 2 (from ROS 2 iron)]

Enables the decoded video stream on camera/image_color: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (on-demand). If initially set to -1 (disabled), the value cannot be changed at runtime.

parameter int [Default: 0 (before ROS 2 iron), 2 (from ROS 2 iron)]

Enables the [original] H264 video stream on camera/image_h264: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (on-demand). If initially set to -1 (disabled), the value cannot be changed at runtime.

parameter int [Default: 0 (before ROS 2 iron), 2 (from ROS 2 iron)]

Enables the [original] H264 video stream on camera/image_color/ffmpeg: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (on-demand). If initially set to -1 (disabled), the value cannot be changed at runtime.

parameter string [Default: "tcp"]

Select the transport protocol for the video socket: one of "tcp" and "udp".

parameter int [Default: 360]

The height of the 16/9 images in the video stream: one of 360, 540, and 720.


Larger resolutions requires higher bandwidth and more processing power to decode the frames.

parameter string [Default: ""]

The path to the yaml file with the camera calibration. If the path is not empty and the file can be loaded, the information is published camera/camera_info. Should corresponds to the resolution selected in

parameter int [Default: true]

Enables the publishing the decoded raw audio on camera/audio_raw: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (on-demand). If initially set to -1 (disabled), the value cannot be changed at runtime.

parameter int [Default: true]

Enables the publishing the original encoded audio on camera/audio_opus: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (on-demand). If initially set to -1 (disabled), the value cannot be changed at runtime.

parameter int [Default: true]

Enables the publishing audio levels on camera/audio_level: -1 (disabled), 0 (off), 1 (on), 2 (on-demand). If initially set to -1 (disabled), the value cannot be changed at runtime.


subscription camera/config robomaster_msgs/msg/CameraConfig

Controls the camera, which is limited to set digital zoom.


publisher camera/camera_info sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo

Publishes camera information required to interpret geometrically the images each time an image in published on camera/image_color. This publisher is only created if a valid calibration file is provided in

publisher camera/image_color sensor_msgs/msg/Image

Publishes an image each time a decoded frame is available. Maximal rate is 30 fps. Actual rate depends on networking and decoding power. The publisher is active only if is on (1) or on-demand (2) with a matching subscriber.

publisher camera/image_h264 robomaster_msgs/msg/H264Packet

Forward H.264 packets from the original video stream. Rate (about 100 Hz) and size (<= 4096) of the packets vary. Bandwidth is about 400 KB/s, which is 2-5% of the bandwidth of camera/image_color. The publisher is active only if is on (1) or on-demand (2) with a matching subscriber.

publisher camera/image_color/ffmpeg ffmpeg_image_transport_msgs/msg/FFMPEGPacket

Publishes a H264 packets, potentially grouping together multiple packets of the original video stream. Contrary to camera/image_h264, the packet contains a single frame, therefore it is published at 30 fps. It requires approximately the same bandwidth as camera/image_h264, i.e., about 400 KB/s, which is 2-5% of the bandwidth of camera/image_color. The publisher is active only if is on (1) or on-demand (2) with a matching subscriber. This topic is meant to be used with image_transport with the ffmpeg trasport implemented by ffmpeg_image_transport.

publisher camera/audio_raw robomaster_msgs/msg/AudioData

Publishes an message each time a new portion of decoded 16-bit audio is available. Audio is sampled at 48 KHz: each message contains 960 samples and rate is 50 Hz. The publisher is active only if is on (1) or on-demand (2) with a matching subscriber.

publisher camera/audio_opus robomaster_msgs/msg/AudioOpus

Publishes a packet from the OPUS audio stream. Rate is 50 Hz, while size of the packets vary slightly around 240. Bandwidth is about 14 KB/s, which is 30% of the bandwidth of camera/audio_raw. The publisher is active only if is on (1) or on-demand (2) with a matching subscriber.

publisher camera/audio_level robomaster_msgs/msg/AudioLevel

Publishes the audio sound level. The publisher is active only if is on (1) or on-demand (2) with a matching subscriber.