
The ROS driver wraps the module robomaster.chassis related to the wheels and the chassis state. The module is enabled by chassis.enabled.

The Robomaster has 4 independently controllable mecanum wheels, with encoders, and an IMU sensor (accelerometer and magnetometer).

Sensing and State Estimation

It gather the onboard state estimation from several SDK subscribers at a rate controlled by parameter chassis.rate: - orientation from robomaster.chassis.Chassis.sub_attitude() - wheels’ angular position and velocity from robomaster.chassis.Chassis.sub_esc() - angular velocity and linear acceleration from robomaster.chassis.Chassis.sub_imu() - horizontal pose from robomaster.chassis.Chassis.sub_position() - horizontal velocity from robomaster.chassis.Chassis.sub_velocity()

merges it and republishes to ROS as

Use parameter chassis.force_level to force the published state estimation to be perfectly horizontally, effectively projecting the orientation to be parallel to the ground. In any case, the robot is not tracking the vertical position, which is always set to zero. Enable parameter chassis.odom_twist_in_odom to switch to the odom frame for the twist.

The driver also publishes the chassis state on topic state gathered from robomaster.chassis.Chassis.sub_status() at a rate defined by parameter chassis.status.rate. The state contains macroscopic information about the robot: if it is moving, if it is leveled, … .


Controlling mecanum wheels, it is possible to move the robot horizontally in any direction, independently of the angular speed. The wheel motors can be engaged or disengaged using service engage_wheels. At launch, wheels are engaged but don’t resist movements. After the robot applies the first control command (see below), the wheel will resist movements even when stopped. To let them free, you need to disengage them, which will also preempt any current control.


If you use engage_wheels as an emergency stop, be aware that the robot will slide if it was moving or when on a slope.

To move the robot:

  • send target linear wheel speeds to cmd_wheels to control individual wheels. Wheel speeds are forwarded through robomaster.chassis.Chassis.drive_wheels() and limited to 3.5 m/s.

  • send a target twist to cmd_vel to control the robot omni-directionally on the floor. When parameter chassis.twist_to_wheel_speeds is enabled, the ROS driver computes the appropriate target wheel speeds and forwards them to the robot: When the parameter is not enabled, the target twist is directly forwarded through robomaster.chassis.Chassis.drive_speed() (i.e., the twist control is done onboard).

  • send a goal pose (relative to the current robot pose) to move. The robot will then move towards the goal, providing feedback on the progress. Use this action if you want to control the robot in space when the goal is fixed.

The SDK velocity commands have an optional deadman check controlled by parameter chassis.timeout. When enabled, it makes the robot stops if too much time passes from the last command. If the value is larger than 0, it is passed as timeout time when calling SDK commands


Controlling the velocity through target wheel speeds or chassis twist impacts the robot’s behavior.

target wheel speed

The robot ignores the chassis state estimation and just tries to set the target speed. Once stopped, if you manually (i.e., pushing it or lifting it) rotate the chassis, the robot won’t react more than resist wheel movements. The robot’s speed is maximal in this mode and you risk damaging it from collisions.

target twist or pose

The robot uses the chassis state estimation and tries to match the target estimation with the current estimation. Once stopped, if you manually (i.e., pushing it or lifting it) rotate the chassis, the robot will counter react to keep the same pose. Moreover, for Robomaster EP, the allowed target speeds are lower at 0.8 m/s, probably to protect the arm servos.

There are three ways to stop the robot. Once stopped the robot behaves differently.

  • Sending an zero twist to cmd_vel: once stopped, the robot resists movements (see above). Would preempt an active move goal.

  • Sending an array with zero speeds to cmd_wheels: once stopped, individual wheels resist movements (see above). Would preempt an active move goal.

  • Sending a zero goal to move: once stopped, the robot does not resist movements. Only effective if no goal are active.

  • Preempting a move goal: once stopped, the robot does not resist movements. Only effective if a goal is active.


parameter chassis.enabled bool [Default: false]

Enables all the ROS interface described here, which by default is disabled, like all other modules.

parameter chassis.timeout float [Default: 0.0]

Set the command deadline in seconds. Values less or equal to zero disable the deadman check. Positive values are passed as timeout to the SDK methods robomaster.chassis.Chassis.drive_wheels() and robomaster.chassis.Chassis.drive_speed().

parameter chassis.twist_to_wheel_speeds bool [Default: false]

When enabled, topic cmd_vel will control wheel state instead of chassis state. Useful to unlock full speed or to avoid that the robot tries to maintain orientation when lifted or pushed.

parameter chassis.force_level bool [Default: false]

When enabled, it force the published state estimation in odom (and tf) to be horizontal.

parameter chassis.odom_twist_in_odom bool [Default: false]

When enabled, it switches the twist component of the published state estimation in odom to the robot’s odom frame. The default is instead to use base_link, i.e., to publish a twist relative to the robot.

parameter chassis.rate int [Default: 10]

The rate in Hz at which odom, imu, and joint_states_p (with wheel joints) are published. One of 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 (else it will approximate to the nearest value). A value of 0 will effectively disable updates.

parameter chassis.status.rate int [Default: 1]

The rate in Hz at which state is published. One of 0, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 (else it will approximate to the nearest value). A value of 0 will effectively disable updates.

parameter chassis.imu_includes_orientation bool [Default: true]

When enabled, imu will include the orientation from odom.

parameter chassis.error.linear_velocity.xy float [Default: 0.005]

Horizontal linear velocity standard deviation in odom in m/s

parameter chassis.error.angular_velocity.xy float [Default: 0.01]

Non-horizontal (i.e., roll and pitch components) angular velocity standard deviation in odom and imu in rad/s.

parameter chassis.error.angular_velocity.z float [Default: 0.03]

Horizontal angular (i.e., yaw component) velocity standard deviation in odom and imu in rad/s.

parameter float [Default: 0.1]

Linear acceleration standard deviation in imu in m/s^2.


subscription cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist

Receives a target twist in robot frame (base_link). Only horizontal components (i.e., linear.x, linear.y, angular.z) are considered. Values are clamped by the SDK before passing them to the robot. If chassis.twist_to_wheel_speeds is enabled, the message is converted to target wheel speeds, which are then treated as for cmd_wheels. If chassis.timeout is strictly positive, the robot will stop after chassis.timeout seconds if no more messages are received.

subscription cmd_wheels robomaster_msgs/msg/WheelSpeeds

Receives a list of target speeds, one for each wheel. Values are clamped by the SDK before passing them to the robot. If chassis.timeout is strictly positive, the robot will stopß after chassis.timeout seconds if no more messages are received.


publisher odom nav_msgs/msg/Odometry

Publishes the most recent state estimation. Publishing happens synchronously to imu, with which it shares orientation and angular velocity. Depending on the value of chassis.odom_twist_in_odom, pose and twist are in the same odom frame or the twist is in the base_link frame. Update rate is controlled by parameter chassis.rate. The publishing rate may be lower due to poor communication with the robot.

publisher imu sensor_msgs/msg/Imu

Publishes the most recent state estimation. Publishing happens synchronously to odom, with which it shares orientation and angular velocity, with the addition of linear_acceleration measured by the accelerometer. Angular velocity is the fused value, not the value read by the gyroscope, which is not exposed by SDK. Update rate is controlled by parameter chassis.rate. The publishing rate may be lower due to poor communication with the robot.

publisher state robomaster_msgs/msg/ChassisStatus

Publishes a compact state of the chassis. Update rate is controlled by parameter chassis.status.rate. Publishing rate may be lower due to poor communication with the robot.

Service Servers

service server engage_wheels std_srvs/srv/SetBool

Engage or disengage all motors at once.

Action Servers

action server move robomaster_msgs/action/Move

Move the robot towards a target pose relative to the robot frame (base_link) at given angular and linear speed using an onboard controller.


New goals are not accepted if a current goal is active. To change goal, you first need to cancel the current goal.